The Spoked Traveller | Iceland
Trails and advice cycling around the world as solo female cyclist and adventurer
mountain bike, adventure travel, cycling travel, bike tours, outdoor, solo travel, female mountain biking, badass female cycling, female travellers, women travel, adventurous
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Iceland Tag

It's about -15 Celsius and I'm swimming laps in an outdoor pool in Iceland. Every time my head bobs to the surface, the freezing air electrocutes my wet hair. Through a cloud of steam drifting across the water, I can barely make out the heads of other swimmers next to me. Resting on the side, it's been ages since I swam laps. I turn to a man beside me: "It's exhausting." He doesn't answer, then pulls his ear plugs out. "I said, it's tiring." "Yes," he replies, "but you won't have sore muscles like running." Agreed. It's like he knew what I was thinking. Running has destroyed my feet, but that's another matter. From downtown Reykjavik, it's a 10 minute bus ride to the Vesturbaejar Swimming Pool.

Oh look, it’s troll toilet paper,” says the Icelandic travel guide pointing to the giant hay bales wrapped in white plastic. A survey last year revealed that 60 per cent of Icelanders believe in trolls. Construction crews will often build roads around bumps for fear of disturbing a “troll” house. At least this is what I discovered before visiting Iceland.